What Do These Sleeping Positions Say About Your Adorable Puppy?

Since pets can’t communicate directly with us, pet owners need to take the initiative and find it out themselves by paying proper attention to certain clues.

These clues can be found in the unlikeliest of places.

For instance, did you know that the position your doggy sleeps in can reveal a lot about its health and personality?

Does your dog fall asleep all curled up? That means it is trying to retain body heat and also protect its throat, face, and limbs. Dogs that sleep this way generally have sweet dispositions and gentle behavior.

This article will help you understand why dogs sleep in certain positions and what it means about them:

  1. The Tummy Curl

Pups that go to sleep this way aren’t exactly relaxed since their muscles are way too tense for them to be able to achieve REM sleep, as per a leading study.

However, that’s not to say that your dog isn’t getting any sound sleep. As a matter of fact, such dogs are highly energetic and adventurous. They are up for fun and action all day!

Such dogs are usually shy and timid and have a gentle soul.

  1. The Passed Out

Dogs that sleep indoors prefer to lie in a ‘passed-out’ sleeping position. This position allows it to cool its temperature down in an efficient and quick manner.

Dogs that are highly active and energetic throughout the day tend to sleep on their backs in this position.

Additionally, relaxed, secure, and happy dogs tend to tilt up their legs as they sleep, which is a sign that it’s comfortable in its surroundings.

Such dogs are extremely confident about themselves and are also quick at adapting to new and different situations.

  1. The Crazy Legs

While this sleeping position may seem slightly odd, there’s no need to be worried about it – it’s just an indicator of their security and confidence levels with both themselves and their surroundings.

That does make sense, especially when you consider that a dog is most vulnerable when it’s lying on its back. You won’t ever see wild wolves sleeping this way since it conveys a message that they are submissive and vulnerable to their pack members.

Pups that go to sleep this way are extremely laid-back & possess an independent demeanor.

  1. The ‘Superman’ Pup

A lot of dogs prefer to sleep lying down on their stomachs. However, ‘superman’ pups look the most adorable in that pose. They lie with their heads level on the floor and their limbs stretched out as well. This makes it seem like they are flying.

This sleeping position is also helpful for dogs to get up & get moving in the morning when you call for them or when they wake up.

Pups that go to sleep this way have high energy and motivation levels.

  1. The Snuggly Fox

Most dogs prefer to sleep in a curled-up position. They tuck their paws underneath their bodies in a comfortable manner. Their tails also wrap around their bodies and touch their faces.

Sleeping in a curled-up state helps your dog conserve its body heat & protect its vital organs, throat, face, and limbs, as per a leading research study.

Dogs that go to sleep this way are easy-going, gentle, and possess a sweet disposition.

  1. The Side Sleeper

Does your dog sleep on its side? It indicates that he or she is quite happy with the environment. Such dogs are usually low-maintenance and are secure about themselves.

While your pup may be alert and guarded when it’s awake, this position shows that it is happy with your company and your home and indicates its trust in you.

Such dogs are also fiercely loyal and happy with the world around them.

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